Month: March 2017

Mobile App Development Mistakes You Should Avoid

Mobile app development

Working on a mobile app is not as easy as it as t sounds. Yes, it is an exciting process but it can also be daunting. Lots of problems can surface and it is important that you know what these common problems so you know how you can avoid them. Here are some of the most common mistakes and how you can prevent them.

Not establishing a process

Establishing a process, which will guide you the mobile app’s development from ideation to post launch. The process makes it easier for people involved and the process must include market research, details on the resources available and needed, and timeline and milestones.

One must have a thorough understanding of the market, the users, their personas and other detailed demographic facts. The market research can be used to align the company’s goals with the resources available to develop the app. Remember that resources are flexible and can reference to both something intangible and tangible.

Once you understand the resources available, it is time to establish a timeline with milestones. There should be milestones around each stage, ideation, product development, alpha testing, alpha testing analytics, alpha product iteration, beta testing, beta testing analytics, beta product iteration and launch to the target audience. Metrics must be established to measure success.

Not taking the time to find the right person or team

The initial stage of the mobile app development can be very exciting but you have to be very careful. If you do not find the right person or team, all your hard work would have been for naught. Consider all the details of what needs to be built, including the importance of proper, high quality app design and the resources that are available to you. Ask the right questions and when talking to software consultancy firms about other projects which they have done similar to yours, you must ensure that the firm has no problem assigning all the IP of the project to you.

Not thinking about the user

Apps are built in order to sell them to users so it is senseless to not think about the user during the development process. How will the user discover, engage and activate the app? Put yourself in the shoes of the user.

Not getting the target audience among your test users

Whatever you do, you must never, ever include your family and friends as part of your test group. Naturally they will love and support you regardless of how useless is your app so their feedback does not count. You must get back from the correct people, those from your target audience.

Not thinking about app marketing distribution

Building an app does not guarantee success. There are thousands of apps in the market competing for users’ attention and yours could easily get lost if it doesn’t stand out and distinguish itself from the rest. You must know how to market your app. How can you get the audience’s attention? How will you retain them? How much will marketing acquisition cost?

When developing an app, you should research, assess the resources available to you, hire the right people, think about your users, get feedback from the right people, and plan how you can grow your app.